
Tag Archives | man


Hmmm…Can you solve this?

A Businessman reaches a road fork which leads to two cities. In one city the people always tell lies, and in the other city the people always tell the truth. The Businessman needs to conduct business in the city where everyone tells the truth and there is no cheating or lies. A man from one […]

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Balloon Man & the Woman – Nice Story

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted,”Excuse me,can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.” The woman below replied, “You are in […]

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New Theory About Women

 1. To find a woman you need time and money therefore: women = time x money  ………… @ 2. Time = money   ………… ……… …….@ 3.  Therefore: women =money x money women = ( money )^2  ………… @ 4.  “Money is the root of all problems “ money = ( problems )^1/2 ……@ 5. Therefore: (more…)

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True Poem – Man & Money

Man O Man ! When he is without money, he eats vegetables at home; When he has money, he eats vegetables in a fine restaurant. When he is without money, he rides bicycle to work; When he has money, he rides bicycle to exercise. When he is without money, he walks to eat food; When […]

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The man in the Beans – Amazing Test!

THE TRICK IS TO FIND THE MAN IN THE COFFEE BEANS This is bizarre – after you find the guy – it’s so obvious. Once you find him – it’s embarrassing, and you think, ‘Why didn’t I see him immediately?’   Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, […]

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4 Short and Lovely Jokes

A Foolish man tells a woman to Stop talking, but a Wise man tells her that she looks extremely Beautiful when her Lips are Closed. ——————————– Three FASTEST means of Communication : 1. Tele-Phone 2. Tele-Vision 3. Tell to Woman Need still Faster ?? Tell  her NOT to tell ANY ONE. ——————————– Let us be generous […]

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