
The Unexpected Results – True Story From India !

During my childhood I was living with my grandparents in a small town.

The school in which I was studying used to display the annual exam results for each class, ranking the students as per the merit list (total marks) and grouping them as first grade, second grade, third grade and failed ones. Those who obtain above 60% are first grade. Between 50 and 60 are second grade while 40-50 are third grade. Less than 40% in any subject were declared failed.

Story 3

I had a classmate who was not doing so well in studies and was full of negative attitude. On the day of our seventh class results, he rushed to the school early to see the notice board displaying results. He looked for his name in the “third” grades list, but couldn’t find it. He rushed back home and reported to his parents that he had failed. They were upset and scolded him and beat him up too.

After a while, I visited my school and looked for my and my friend’s results. I was very happy to see that my friend had passed and this time with a better score than he normally gets by getting a second division.

But, when I reached his house, I was shocked to see the gloom rather than celebration. My friend’s mother greeted me albeit reluctantly and regretted that her son had failed.

It was a pleasant surprise to the family when I broke the news that their son too has passed and this time in Second division. The entire atmosphere transformed in a moment.

My friend who was in his shorts (bermuda) and bare-bodied otherwise* rushed like Archimedes to see the result for himself, to the amusement of all of us.

This friend of mine lacked self-confidence and was a bundle of negative feelings. He had failed to look for his name in the failed candidates list when he did not find it in the third division list.

* In tropical country like India small boys are generally in shorts.

Moral of the Story
Do not jump to conclusions very quickly.
Have an optimistic approach towards life. Always hope for the best and think positively.
Parents should not rebuke their kids for getting bad grades. They should encourage them to do well next time. If they punish them for not getting good grades then it will only decrease the self-confidence of kids which can have an irreparable damage on their personality.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
– Willie Nelson

Action Item
It is very important for children to be optimistic in their lives. Do not rebuke them if they get bad grades. Encourage them to do well next time.

Story Submitted By Kannan Rajagopalan

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3 Responses to The Unexpected Results – True Story From India !

  1. kvkarunakaran April 12, 2015 at 5:59 PM #

    a good story

  2. Abdul Matin Sheikh April 2, 2015 at 3:49 PM #

    Very interesting. It happens with us many times.

    We should have optimistic approach and always think positively.

    Thanks for sharing story.

  3. Stephen April 1, 2015 at 6:54 PM #

    We are surrounded by negativity & move around in circle of negative friends & colleagues, which changes our inner positivity to negativity, which reflects on our behaviour in society and end up losing future potential positive minded people