Teacher: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake.
Pupil : You can’t fool me, Teacher… snakes don’t have feet.
Teacher: How can you prevent diseases caused by biting insects?
Johnny : Don’t bite any
Sammy: Dad, can you write in the dark?
Father: I think so. What do you want me to write?
Sammy: Your name on this report card.
MOTHER: Why on earth did you swallow the money I gave you?
Johnny: You said it was my lunch money.
Pupil (on phone): My son has a bad cold and won’t be able to come to school today.
School Secretary: Who is this?
Pupil: This is my father speaking!
Son: I can’t go to school today.
Father: Why not?
Son: I don’t feel well
Father: Where don’t you feel well?
Son: In school!
Teacher: Where is your book, Johnny ?
Johnny: At home !
Teacher: And what is it doing there ?
Johnny: Having more fun than me !
A serious Question by a Student
If a single Teacher can’t teach us all the subjects then…
How could you expect a single student learn all the subjects ???
In a practical exam…
The Examiner showed the legs of an animal and said : Tell the animal’s name
Student: I don’t know
Examiner: You have failed the test. What is your name?
Student: You see my legs and tell what’s my name ! 😀
Very interesting jokes more of it next time
very logical question by a student.. is there an answer ?
very good jokes
Keep up the outstanding work going.. 🙂
Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hahah..’this is my fathers speaking’ joke is hilarious..nice collection of jokes
hahahah hilarious conversations
hahaha.. very Nice jokes
Very good jokes.
Very nice!!!
Thank you
Good Jokes sister hodaa
The title is perfect. Hilarious Indeed!!!!
Snake one is the best. LOL
Assalamulaikaum, sister Hodaa, I just read all your posts and enjoyed them thoroughly, All your posts. Please upload more !
Your posts are all unique- some educational, some just-for-fun, at the same time some so inspiring and useful. This site is like a hidden gem. JZK for all your efforts.
Thank You so much for your kind and encouraging words 🙂
Wa Alaikum Salaam, thanks for your encouraging words… Sister Hodaa’s posts are truly amazing ! 🙂
My family and I love your jokes and especially teacher-student ones! Thank you! I really enjoy comming to this site and its my new favorite. Every morning I come here to read hilarious, inspirational, and other meaningful amazing posts by the FFJ team. I have spread the name of your site all over my work office and everyone enjoys it! once again thank you. May Allah SWT bless you for the amazing work you are doing. It certainly has not gone unnoticed.
That is soooo wonderful to know 😀
We are very happy too. FFJ’s main aim is to inspire people and bring a smile on their faces.
We are glad that our posts are beneficial to you and thank you very much for recommending this site to your friends 🙂
Good jokes indeed. Thank you
You are welcome Mr. Sharif 🙂