
2 Awesome Hilarious Jokes – Today’s Dose of Laughter !


TV Anchor interviewing a Farmer about his goats:

Q: What do you feed your goats ?

Farmer : White goat or black goat ?

Anchor: White goat !

Farmer : Grass !

Anchor: And what do you feed black goat with ?

Farmer : I feed it with Grass as well

Anchor: Where do you keep them ?

Farmer : The white one or the black one ?

Anchor: white one !

Farmer : In the porch outside !

Anchor: And how about the black one ?

Farmer : I keep them in the porch as well

Anchor: And how do you clean them ?

Farmer : The black one or the white one ?

Anchor: Black one

Farmer : With water !

Anchor: And what about white one ?

Farmer : of course with water

Anchor angrily:
You idiot! When you treat both white and black goat the same way then WHY do you keep asking me “Black or White” ?

Farmer : Because the white goat is mine…

Anchor: And the black one ?

Farmer : That is also mine 😀

A Man went for Shopping
A man went into a supermarket, got 3 cans of dog food, and walked up to the checkout.
The cashier asks the man, “Sir, do you own a dog?”
The man replies, “Yes I do.”
The cashier then asks, “Do you have the dog with you?”
The man replies, “No, I left it at home.”
The cashier then says, “I’m sorry, but I can’t sell you this dog food unless I see your dog.”
A few days later the man walks into the same store, gets 3 cans of cat food, and walks up to the checkout.
The same cashier asks, “Sir, do you own a cat?”
The man replies, “Yes I do.”
The cashier then asks, “Do you have your cat with you?”
And the man replies, “No, I left it at home.”
Then the cashier says, “I’m sorry, but I can’t sell you this cat food unless I see your cat.”
A few days later the man walks into the store, this time carrying a paper bag. He walks up to the same cashier, and asks him to put his hand into the bag.
The cashier says, “It feels warm, soft, and gooey.”
The man then says, “Now, can I go back and get 3 rolls of toilet paper?”

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4 Responses to 2 Awesome Hilarious Jokes – Today’s Dose of Laughter !

  1. Zee February 25, 2015 at 5:55 PM #

    First joke was very funny; unfortunately, ending of the 2nd one was very much disgusting. I don’t think there’s any humor in surprising anyone with their worst nightmare, i.e, touching bm.

  2. kvkarunakaran February 11, 2015 at 12:33 AM #


  3. Raashid January 27, 2015 at 2:55 AM #

    Hello Shakil,
    Pet foods are expensive than Bread :)))

  4. shakil January 25, 2015 at 6:55 PM #

    some reading this will see the joke only.

    Truth is that in many European countries it is a known fact that the very poor often buy dog or cat food to EAT themselves. When I heard this the first time many years ago I was really appalled as to how such a high society can let that happen. In response, instead of feeding the poor, they ask them to bring in their animals as proof of their buying. Pathetic.