One day an old man’s dog fell into a large pit. The dog cried wretchedly for help. The old man could not find a way to rescue his dog. Finally, he decided the dog was old, and the large pit in which the animal fell was supposed to be filled anyway. So he called out […]
Tag Archives | dog
An Animal Teaching Humans Humanity !
An Animal puts humans to shame and gives out the message of humanity by its unbelievable act A dog was wounded on a busy highway while crossing the road and was left to die by human beings Watch the video to know what happens next (more…)
The Dog And Its Reflection – Moral Story
Once a dog ran into a museum where all the walls, the ceiling, the door and even the floor was made of mirror. Seeing this, the dog froze in surprise in the middle of the hall, and a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, from above and below. When the dog bared […]
Have You Seen a “Spider Dog” in Your Life ?
Watch this incredible video of a Spider Dog. Yes you read it right. Don’t believe us ? Watch the video yourself ! (more…)
2 Awesome Hilarious Jokes – Today’s Dose of Laughter !
#1 TV Anchor interviewing a Farmer about his goats: Q: What do you feed your goats ? Farmer : White goat or black goat ? Anchor: White goat ! Farmer : Grass ! Anchor: And what do you feed black goat with ? Farmer : I feed it with Grass as well Anchor: Where do […]
3 Hilarious Jokes That Will Make Your Day !
#1 When I went to the dentist last month, he told me that he has to pull one of my teeth. I asked him how much it’s going to cost? He replied, “1000 Rupees!” I said “1000 Rupees !? It only takes one minute !” He smiled and replied, “I could make it take a […]
Caption The Picture – Wordless Wednesday !
Give A suitable Caption to the picture below CLICK HERE to share your caption in the comments section (more…)
Rid Us of This Riddle- Are You As Smart as Einstein?
There are five houses in unique colors: Blue, green, red, white and yellow. In each house lives a person of unique nationality: British, Danish, German, Norwegian and Swedish. Each person drinks a unique beverage: grape juice, coffee, milk, tea and water. Each person wears a unique type of hat wherever he goes: tennis hat, party […]
The Donkey, Dog and The Boss
There was once a washer man who had a donkey and a dog. One night when the whole world was sleeping, a thief broke into the house, the washer man was fast asleep too but the donkey and the dog were awake. The dog decided not to bark since the master did not take good […]