
Caption The Picture – Interesting Game

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(In Photo: US Presient Obama and Israeli PM Netanyahu)

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58 Responses to Caption The Picture – Interesting Game

  1. Muzz July 1, 2015 at 1:42 PM #

    You continue to divide the Muslims and make sure that you finance ISIS well. Let them kill each other and be busy fighting amongst them. In the meantime, you build your settlements and grab as much land as you can.

    We will come in trying to be the peacemakers whilst we fleece the Arabs of their wealth for protection.

    Let ISIS continue hitting the Shia Mosques and the Shias as we want Iran to react so that we have a reason to walk into their land and mess them up.

    Most of all, continue to divide the Muslims as by the next 30 years, they will be dominating many countries of the world.