
When Things Didn’t Work My Way! – True Story

My mom always told me that everything happens with the Will of God and one should never leave hope, cause HE is the best planner and HE will reveal it on the best times.

These are the words which I have been hearing since I was a child but never experienced it till recently. Today I want to share one of the examples of it that how God`s plan work!!

After my graduation, I started to look for a job and for that I gave many tests and interviews but things didn’t work in my favor.

And usually in my field if you get a job they will bond you for 2-3 years so I was hoping that soon I will be the lucky one who will make his place in a multi-national company. Weeks and months passed, and almost an year went out and I was still jobless.

Gradually the pressure was building up and I was getting more and more tensed about this situation but again my mom said its not in your control. God willing, you will find the right job on the right time.

After hearing these words my heart felt relief. And then the day came when I got more than a job.

I got scholarship from one of the best Universities of the world. Not only that, but even by air ticket, accomodation, living expenses, tuition fees would be borne by the Government.

Then I realized, why I hadn’t got a job. If I had got a job, I couldn’t go for higher studies since I didn’t had the money to bear the heavy expenses.

Moral: Work hard and leave the rest to God. What ever happens will be for your good.

This story was contributed by our FFJ reader Muneeb Ahsan.

If you have any True story/incident please send it at [email protected] 

32 Responses to When Things Didn’t Work My Way! – True Story

  1. Ameer November 9, 2014 at 10:32 PM #

    Thanks, after all every one will get their time. all you have to do is Pray, Work hard, Try everything. leave the rest to GOD. But do not loose your hope before you get a chance.

    Have a Happy Life. Best Wishes…

    • Sana - Editor FFJ November 11, 2014 at 8:54 AM #

      Yeah true. Thank you very much ! Best wishes to you and your family too 🙂

  2. Ali Ismail October 13, 2014 at 7:43 PM #

    very nice sara good to see funny thanks

  3. Tariq October 13, 2014 at 4:01 PM #

    This is a very nice story and motivate to the students / employees to his/her work. Mashallaha very good efforts

  4. Hamed Mansour Hamed January 8, 2012 at 6:00 AM #

    What have been mentioned is really very true , I strongly believe in that , the story is good as a reminder 

  5. Marwan Alhazel January 4, 2012 at 12:05 PM #

    It is very good story but I think there is something missing. He did not tell us about how he has got the scholarship ? did he apply for that university and how the University choose him for this scholarship.


  6. Marwan Alhazel January 4, 2012 at 12:05 PM #

    It is very good story but I think there is something missing. He did not tell us about how he has got the scholarship ? did he apply for that university and how the University choose him for this scholarship.


  7. Anterbinshdad January 3, 2012 at 5:57 AM #

    the believing( leave the rest to god) is wrong the right is( everything depend on god )not only the rest.

  8. Waleedbd January 2, 2012 at 12:32 AM #

    I trust in GOD and with time I discover his choice was the best from me.

  9. Action Man January 1, 2012 at 8:28 AM #

    Nice story all you need is do your best and Allah will reward you.

  10. Arhumtariqbutt December 31, 2011 at 9:08 AM #

    i used to study…until i took an arrow to the knee…”;(

  11. AhmedRaza Dogar December 31, 2011 at 7:27 AM #

    A-o-A. V.Good story JazakAllah

    • Sara December 31, 2011 at 7:51 AM #


  12. HAIDER ALI786 December 31, 2011 at 5:16 AM #

    Allah is Greatest and He Do Things for yourself when there is best time for us.
    Thanks Allah Never Ever Leave Us Alone in This Dark World Ameen

  13. Haneef December 30, 2011 at 9:43 PM #

    “Work hard and leave the rest to God. What ever happens will be for your good”

    Even according to the sunnah of Prophet Muhammadh (PBUH) you have to tie the camel before leaving to ALLAH (SWT). Not as some say they leave it ALLAH (SWT) and do nothing for it!

  14. Junedayz December 30, 2011 at 7:20 PM #

    Subhanallah! We never expect the unexpected.
    Allah swt knows what is best for all of us. And no matter what happens, if we fail a test, don’t get the job we wanted, did not get accepeted at the desired University/College, or what ever happens, it is all from Allah swt, and we must always say Alhamdulillah because He gives us what is best for us. 
    Alhamdulillah for being able to find this website and subscribe to it =) Without it I would not learn many things and share laughs with others. 
    =) Salamualkm

    • Sara December 31, 2011 at 5:46 AM #

      walaikumsalam Junedayz.
      Its so nice to know that you enjoy and benefit from our site.
      Thanks for the compliments!

  15. Guest December 30, 2011 at 5:40 PM #

    Thanks GOD for every thing………

  16. Humayundaud December 30, 2011 at 5:13 PM #

    nice to read 🙂
    i like the moral …

  17. Megan Forgee December 30, 2011 at 4:10 PM #

    Salut mon amie,

    diese Geschichte war toll!!!! 

    Oh, je suis un very sorry, I forgot zat you speak english only, I’m a bit rusty at my english but I am good at german, french, spanish, urdu, arabic, swedish, chinese, filipino, greek, gujurati, and turkish. Do you speak any one of these languages because je n’ai pas parler  une english. 

    This story vaz very good, SubhanAllah. Thank you for sharing. 

    • Afridi December 31, 2011 at 8:12 AM #

      From where are you???

      • Megan Forgee December 31, 2011 at 3:57 PM #

        I am from France, but am a translator for many languages.
        et oui, I am Muslim. 
        Megan Forgee iz not my real name. 

    • ashar October 13, 2014 at 6:47 PM #


      Are u frm wher

  18. Shakabansh5 December 30, 2011 at 3:51 PM #

    Hi,Sara : Thats right, do your best And leave the rest to GOD , try and try keep going to fined a job till you get it . 

  19. afzal December 30, 2011 at 10:50 AM #

    Well, in my case I dint get a Job nor higher studies but HE bestowed HIS Mercy through a beautiful girl whom I got married to and her father is a Minister 🙂 
    God is Great ! 🙂

    • Aaberesabeel October 15, 2014 at 11:57 AM #

      V/U don’t name even a person at your/our own will imagining he/she may mind/feel that as insulting,etc., then why v/u name ALLAH-swt with the names our/your will dictates us/u or inhereted by the pregens’ traditions. HE-swt is having HIS plentiful names which v/u must confine to instead of calling god, khuda, lord, eeshver, raam, etc.etc. ALLAH-swt Himself Says: ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ???? ??????? ? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????”These are the names named by you and your forefathers, ALLAH-swt did’nt reveal them by His Order “. So take care naming ALLAH-swt (swt means ?????? ??????) with names neither ALLAH-swt Himself revealed nor His PROPHET-sawaws taught us via his Companions – Wa-JazakumAllah-o-Khaira ?????? ???? ????….!

  20. Captazad December 30, 2011 at 9:36 AM #

    Keep your hopes up and aim high, then sky is the limit.

  21. Basil December 30, 2011 at 9:28 AM #

    Subhan Allah…

  22. Khalid Saeed December 30, 2011 at 8:55 AM #

    I totally agree and JazakAllah Kher and keep sending such motivations and Inspirations true stories to our Muslim new generations  

    • Sara December 30, 2011 at 1:20 PM #

      Thanks. Please send us if you have any good stories.

  23. Saheedpp December 30, 2011 at 6:23 AM #

    Motivating and Inspirational !!! Jazakallah Hyran !!!