
15 Wise Quotes About Sinning and Repenting !

The Sun may rise tomorrow, but you may not. So Repent today!


If you Commit a misdeed, hasten to erase it with Repentance
– Imam Ali (RA)

No Sin remains minor with persistence, and no Sin remains major after Repentance

The Sin which makes you Sad and Repentant is more liked by God
than the Good Deed which turns you arrogant.

Of all acts of man Repentance is the most Divine.
The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none.
– Thomas Carlyle

The Most beautiful Blessing we have been given is the chance to Repent.
So what are you waiting for ?

There is no Eraser for your mistakes, but there is Repentance

It’s perfectly normal to be sinful and full of flaws, it becomes a problem
when we stop regretting our sins and do not Repent to God

My Sin burdened me heavily, but when I measured it against your Grace,
O Lord, your forgiveness came out greater
– Imam Ash-Shafi’i

Sit with those who have Sinned and Repented, for they have the softest of Hearts
– Umar Ibn Khattab (RA)

Every son of Adam is prone to err, and the best of those who err are those who Repent.

Sometimes the hardest person for you to correct is yourself.
There’s no shame in being wrong, the shame is choosing to stay Wrong.
! Before it is too late

The Heart is not Cleansed with ordinary water, but with tears of shame and Repentance

Your days are limited and your time is written, so why don’t you Repent, O carrier of Sins ?

The Best of Sinners are those who Repent

People will ignore a thousand good deeds because of one fault.
God will ignore a thousand faults because of one good deed.
Repent and do good deeds for they wipe out evil deeds

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3 Responses to 15 Wise Quotes About Sinning and Repenting !

  1. kvkarunakaran May 9, 2015 at 8:24 PM #

    good quotes

  2. Shakil April 27, 2015 at 4:25 PM #

    for someone to REPENT as is mentioned numerous times. he (or she) must first REALIZE all those mistakes and negativity. if for that person doing all that is no mistake, no harm to himself or to his neighbor, no sin. he will not even KNOW to repent.
    That is the whole point. only good people repent and good people err the least.

  3. Stephen April 27, 2015 at 3:12 PM #

    As we take a shower daily to get clean from the outside, same way. Repentance helps us to clean our Inner Soul with all the wrongs we have done, hurting God.