
Old Mother + Engineering Jokes – Truly Hilarious !

A 70 year old lady had a baby.
All her friends came to visit and meet the newest
member of their family.
When they asked to see the baby, the 70 year old mother
said “not yet.”
A little later they asked to see the baby again.
Again the mother said “not yet.”
Finally they asked, “When can we see the baby?”
And the mother said, “When the baby cries.”
Her friends asked, “Why do we have to wait until the
baby cries?”
The 70 year old said, “because I forgot where I put
Engineering question:
How will you prove that a puppy sat on an Elephant and
the Elephant died.
Student: Assume that Elephant’s name is Puppy & Puppy’s
name is Elephant.

An engineering student to his sweeper brother:
I have got degree, I have got knowledge,
I can sit in society. What do you have?
Sweeper: I have the job.

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4 Responses to Old Mother + Engineering Jokes – Truly Hilarious !

  1. kvkarunakaran April 22, 2015 at 11:52 PM #


  2. ABDUL MATIN SHEIKH April 8, 2015 at 6:05 PM #


    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jalo April 7, 2015 at 3:37 PM #

    Poor baby! ????

  4. Hazim Ayoubi April 7, 2015 at 3:30 PM #