Armies in general are to serve the political system, and so many times through history they attacked and killed their people obeying directions and orders of their government. But in this case, the Chinese army used their bodies in order to help their people!! Their people should be proud of them!!!
man bridge or save kids
Service & Protect
dedication, commitment and duty
We extend our bodies a bridge,
To tell our companions to pass .
The army defends the people not killing them.
A bridge of heroes
Good one !
Surely it would be easier to get wood?!
Good Caption 🙂
Armies in general are to serve the political system, and so many times through history they attacked and killed their people obeying directions and orders of their government. But in this case, the Chinese army used their bodies in order to help their people!! Their people should be proud of them!!!
Don’t be afraid. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
is not going to execute you.
There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience
A bridge too far