
3 Hilarious Jokes – Today’s Dose of Laughter


Once a Tiger is moved to a zoo in Saudi Arabia

The Zoo keeper gets grass as food for the Tiger on the first day. The Tiger spends the day hungry.
The zoo keeper gets grass the second day as well. The Tiger gets angry.
On the third day, when the zoo keeper gets grass, the Tiger gets hold of the keeper & roars at him questioning why grass is brought for him to eat when he is a Tiger, a meat-eating animal.
The zoo keeper very stubbornly says, I don’t care who you are! The profession in your Iqama says you are a cow !!!
I can’t feed you meat.


Joke with a great moral
A salesperson knocked at the door
A lady opened it. Before she could speak the salesperson rushed into the living room and emptied a bag of cow shit on the carpet.
Salesperson: Madam, if I couldn’t clean this up in the next 5 minutes with this new powerful vacuum cleaner, I will eat all this shit!
Lady: Do you need Tomato Sauce with that?
Salesperson: Why Madam?
Lady: Because there’s no electricity in the house for another 3 hours due to load-shedding !

MORAL – Gather all resources before working on any project and committing to the client and over smartness in India can be deadly.

When two beggars meet each other and two software engineers meet each other after a long time, the question asked is the same…
On which platform are you working these days?

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4 Responses to 3 Hilarious Jokes – Today’s Dose of Laughter

  1. kvkarunakaran September 21, 2014 at 1:55 PM #


  2. ABDUL MATIN SHEIKH August 26, 2014 at 9:03 PM #

    Yes, I agree with Sarafat that Ist Joke is too too too best.

    Thanks for Sharing.

  3. SARAFAT August 26, 2014 at 11:54 AM #

    1st Joke is toooooo much best.
    also another

  4. sharif123 August 25, 2014 at 7:27 PM #

    Good particularly the salesman