
What is More Important – Work or Family ?

What is more important in your life, Work or Family ?

(A beautiful Presentation)

17 Responses to What is More Important – Work or Family ?

  1. Yousef December 3, 2014 at 2:36 PM #

    Father and Mother I Love You.
    Nowadays, mostly, both father and mother go to work.
    So they should devote more time for their kids and their extended family.

  2. kvkarunakaran June 29, 2014 at 11:32 AM #


  3. Afaque June 24, 2014 at 9:56 PM #

    Time is the deciding factor for call of duty. FAMILY is all humans together and WORK is to HAPPILY carry on with life. Some get more than enough and some get less, be it money or love, but its all there in a human being i.e. Work or Family respectively. Man is a social animal.

  4. Lara June 23, 2014 at 2:39 PM #

    We should work hard to harmonize the two. They are both important in that family may not survive without basic provision of life. May Allah help us.

  5. Sameer May 25, 2014 at 9:05 PM #

    Both are important. Family is more important but you need to work hard sometimes to provide for your family. There should be work family balance

  6. owais siddiqui May 25, 2014 at 2:32 PM #

    I believe and follow … Only family has to understand that money is not Important relations are

  7. khaled ismail May 25, 2014 at 1:31 PM #

    Both are very important

  8. Syed A K Ahmed May 24, 2014 at 2:29 AM #

    most people say, they work and earn for family…but in real life, how many of them care and spare time for the family…!!! ???

  9. Yousuf Kamal May 23, 2014 at 10:33 PM #

    Very true. Great loss of ignoring family.

  10. hassaan shamsi May 23, 2014 at 8:53 PM #

    i love<3 my family

  11. hassaan shamsi May 23, 2014 at 8:53 PM #

    so so so true

  12. Jola Animashaun May 23, 2014 at 8:38 PM #

    Many thanks Sana and the ffj team.
    Much love! 🙂 🙂

  13. Sana - Editor FFJ May 23, 2014 at 5:27 PM #

    Thank you Jola for this beautiful reminder 🙂

  14. amanfca May 23, 2014 at 2:33 PM #

    Excellent deciphering of FAMIILy as (F)ather, (M)other, I (L)ove (Y)ou.

  15. Stephen May 23, 2014 at 2:01 PM #

    100000000000000% crystal clear truth, which none of us are ready to accept (Including me), but we focus on unimportant things which does not give us peace.
    If we spend quality time with family, even if we can bring a small smile on their face,
    it is like being very rich in the eyes of God.