
Mother-In-Law Jokes – Very Funny !!!

How the fight started…
Last year on my mother-in-law’s birthday, I had bought her a cemetery plot as gift. This year I didn’t buy any gift for her, when she asked me why I said, “Well, you have not used my previous year’s gift yet !!!”
And Khallas… All hell broke loose !


Friend: What do you do if you miss your mother-in-law ?
Me: I reload and try again


Two men went to a hotel. One of them said to the other “My Mother-in-law is an angel”, the other one said, “You are a lucky man indeed, mine is still alive”


Wife: Can my mother come down for the weekend?
Husband: Why?
Wife: Well, she’s been up on the roof for 15 days already


A police officer was asked what would you do if you were to arrest your mother-in-law ?
Officer: I would call for back-up


Kidnapper (on phone): Hello ! Your mother-in-law has been kidnapped. And the ransom money we demand is $1,000,000
Man: Yuhoooo !! (Jumps with joy)
Kidnapper: If you don’t give the ransom we will release her
Man: Damn !!!


A daughter-in-law’s letter to her mother-in-law
Dear Mother-in-law,
You don’t have to teach me how to handle my children. I am living with one of yours and he needs a lot of improvement !
Disclaimer: Above jokes are just for laugh. No offense intended whatsoever.

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20 Responses to Mother-In-Law Jokes – Very Funny !!!

  1. Aije February 10, 2015 at 5:48 PM #

    Sara, you are terrific! Thanks for lightening our minds and brightening our days.These mother-in-law jokes are something else.

  2. Aije February 10, 2015 at 5:48 PM #

    Sara, you are terrific! Thanks for lightening our minds and brightening our days.These mother-in-law jokes are something else.

  3. mohnooh April 17, 2014 at 7:25 PM #

    These jokes made my day

  4. muhammadakbarmy April 2, 2014 at 10:43 PM #

    Early morning, got lightened up

  5. muhammadakbarmy April 2, 2014 at 10:43 PM #

    Early morning, got lightened up

  6. RAVI Sadarangani November 30, 2013 at 6:02 PM #

    Thanks for helping us lighten up and have the little laugh at the jokes

  7. sharif123 November 19, 2013 at 4:41 PM #

    Another Mother -in-law.
    She had three son-in-laws & wanted to test who respect her & who not. one day her youngest son-in-law was on the bank of river. Seeing she went to the deep into the river. She pretended to be drowning. Seeing this the son-in-law jumped into river and rescued her. She appreciated his fond & respect for her.Next day he found a brand new Toyota Camry with a note on the dashboard. With love from your mother -in-law. She repeated same test with her 2nd in-law Same thing happened & she gifted him a Chevrolet. Now while she was doing same test, the eldest son-in-law let her drowned & die thinking her behavior. Next morning the eldest son -in-law saw a brand new Limousine with a note from his father -in law. With love from your Father -in-law for saving his life.

  8. Anu November 18, 2013 at 6:26 PM #

    Nice jokes.. last one is very good..

  9. Rafiu November 18, 2013 at 6:17 PM #

    Sharif123, A good one there – Thanks.

  10. ADEGOKE WAHAB November 18, 2013 at 4:14 PM #

    All are hilarious, I cherish you SARA!!!

  11. Shakil November 18, 2013 at 3:40 PM #

    Not fair but a good laugh. I have a superb M-I-L still strong at 80 ahdlh. She has always been good to us and in turn we to her. May Allah keep her in good health for another long while.

    • Sana - Editor FFJ November 19, 2013 at 10:48 AM #

      Yeah not all MILs are like that… May God bless your MIL 🙂

  12. sharif123 November 18, 2013 at 2:43 PM #

    Thanks Sara for listening your reader’s request.

    • Sana - Editor FFJ November 19, 2013 at 10:46 AM #

      Thanks for the suggestion.. We urge you to give suggestions.. We love to listen from you.. We need to know your likes and dislikes so we come up with good stuff.. Thank you very much for suggesting !! 🙂

      • Ahsan November 19, 2013 at 9:27 PM #

        From SARA to SANA: is it a change of style or change of strategic management 😛

  13. sharif123 November 18, 2013 at 2:42 PM #

    Kidnapper is the sweet. Here I add one for you.
    A man saw a huge funeral procession. He thought the dead person must be a famous one. He asked one gentleman who was that? Reply came ” I don’t know exactly. I am following the procession only”. Ultimately he got the reply. It was the funeral procession of a mother -in-aw. she died from dog bite. The man immediately asked the son- in-law,” Please give me the dog”. The son-in-law gently replied, ” Sir , all the people in procession are here only for that dog. If you want, please join the queue.”

    • Sana - Editor FFJ November 19, 2013 at 10:43 AM #

      Oh my God !! That’s a good one Thanks for sharing 🙂