
Late for Exams – True life incident

examThis is an incident I came across my life, which I will never forget.

It was the exam period and I stayed up really late doing last minute studying, while I had a morning exam on the following day. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to make it without a couple of hours of sleep, I set several alarms on my phone and went to sleep.  However,  unfortunately I slept through the alarms and suddenly woke up to realize that I am already late for the exams by more than half an hour!!  Our university allowed the students to be late for exams by half an hour, but i am already beyond the limit.

I freaked out immediately. I was panicked beyond words. I was being attacked by several emotions; sorrow, fear, regret, anger, worry, shock, misery…and what not, while my brain was trying hard to make a decision on what to do next. After a couple of minutes of thinking I decided to go to the exam hall and see what I can do. After all, trying our best and leaving the rest to the Almighty GOD is what we have got to do. I cannot merely stay in my room without doing anything and hope for a good ending! So I hurried as fast as I could, praying and reminding myself continuously that GOD is enough for me. Literally, my whole body was shaking when I entered the exam hall. I couldn’t spot my lecturer but Alhamdulillah! after speaking to an invigilator I was  allowed to take the exam on condition that i would not get any extra time. I still had enough time to get through the exam with a pass mark and so with a thankful heart I sat to do it. Not long after that my lecturer came to me and with much support said that he would give extra 30 minutes!! I thanked him and tried to go on now with more hope and gratefulness to GOD. At that point I couldn’t help but tears rolled down, which I had been trying to hold back all that time.

I hope you readers would gain some benefit from this incident. It surely has strengthened my imaan, and helped me discover myself better and made me stronger than before.

To all brothers and sisters out there, I have got just few words for you.

  • Don’t EVER loose hope in GOD, even in the worst of situations.
  • When in a terrible situation do SOMETHING to make it better even if you are not sure whether it would bring the expected result.
  • You never know how strong you are and often you are stronger than you think.
Story By -Fathima
Dear readers if you have any true life story please email them to [email protected]

13 Responses to Late for Exams – True life incident

  1. Arif Aziz November 15, 2014 at 3:36 PM #

    In deed such incidents strengthen our faith in Allah o Subhana o Tahala. As a matter of fact this incident of Fatima has many lessons to learn from,

    Do you best & leave the results to Allah Subhana o Tahala.

    Trust Allah Subhana o Tahala at all times.

    Never loose hope, loosing hope is a sign of feeble faith.

    Plan things well in your life, Allah Subhana o Tahala has blesses us with wisdom to do so.

    Do not leave anything to the last minute. A stich in time saves nine.

    And specially for the students, as brother Naushad Khan has mentioned, keep studying & preparing round the year, a night staying up & studying before the day of exam doesn’t really help, it rather disrupts the performance. If well prepared, it is advisable to have a sound sleep before the day of exam.

    May Allah Subhana o Tahala bless us all with every success here & hereafter-A’ameen


  2. PRAKASH H S June 10, 2014 at 6:17 AM #

    you are lucky as in Indian university, no one beyond permitted time will be allowed

  3. Zafar Iqbal December 2, 2013 at 11:02 AM #

    That is the true spirit of Islam – Fathima.

    May Allah guide us all! Aa-meen.

  4. Syed A K December 14, 2012 at 4:10 PM #

    Thavaqqalthu AlaLLah….Trust on the Al Mighty Allah

  5. Hammad azam October 28, 2012 at 7:21 AM #

    Life is full of such experiences never loose heart have firm faith in Allah

    • Ali - Admin November 2, 2012 at 3:24 PM #

      Rightly said Hammad.

  6. Sonah October 27, 2012 at 11:43 PM #

    this story shares a lesson of courage, determination, faith and trust. The concession made must have been conceded taking into account the good faith of the candidate, as an exceptional measure.

  7. Paras October 27, 2012 at 1:54 PM #

    Which university you were in Fatimah?. At lease In Indian universities, colleges or schools no student is allowed to enter in the exam hall after so much time is lapsed. Were you living alone in house? or hostel?

    • Naushad Khan November 28, 2013 at 3:22 PM #

      Dear Sir,

      That’s why she said Allah is great. In life you get many things done which initially you thought were impossible. It is simply due to our being ignorant towards Allah that when things go smooth we think it is a routine but when we achieve something out of blue, we get amazed and it becomes a story to tell. In fact every minute is amazing from this breath to the next breath. Why a muslim says Alhamdulillah after sneezing is because of getting a new life after stopping of heart. We do not realize it because it has become a routine.

      Having said that, Ms Fathima that is why elders have advised to study on daily basis so that you don’t have to do late night studies during exams.

  8. Mubarek AL-amin October 27, 2012 at 2:13 AM #

    That is Great mind thinking.

  9. sk ashif October 26, 2012 at 10:20 PM #


  10. Hussain R Haji October 26, 2012 at 12:49 PM #

    Dear Fatima, I strongly believe this narrated incident of yours, as such fulfelment by the mighty God always blessed to his (Ebad) those who with a very trustful and clean heart approaches him IN QUA’RAN ALLAH SYAS ETHKOROONI FA ASTAJEEB LOKOM ” CALL ME AND I WILL RESPOND TO YOU. Sadaqullah ali atheem.