
I Apologize To You!


You probably remember me from the other day. I was the one who reacted very slowly to the green traffic light. When you honked your horn, I realized I was holding up traffic, so please accept my apology.

However, I do want you to know why I seemed in a daze. You see, I was just at the doctor’s office getting the results of the medical test I had a few days ago, and I was wondering how I would tell my wife and children that I have cancer.

My eyes were swollen due to lack of sleep, so, quite simply I didn’t even see the light change. Perhaps I should not have been driving, but I didn’t want to miss my appointment and there was no one else to take me.

And you over there, yes you. I was the one in the express lane at the supermarket. I know you are only supposed to take 10 items or less and I had a basket full. Please accept my apology.

My mind was on my young son who is suffering from congenital heart disease and has to be always under medical care and supervision.

He is just 6 years and doctors have given hope of his recovery. I was remembering how happy me and my wife were when my son was born. I know you were perturbed along with others in line. Please, accept my apology.

I remember you from the supermarket close to my home. I was so mean to you, when you were doing your job to the best of your ability. I acted so clumsily. Please accept my apology.

You see, I arrived home from work just yesterday and discovered that my wife is critical in the hospital.  But I should never have taken it out on you. Please, accept my apology.

The above incidents may or may not be true, yet they express a very real truth.

The old saying about judging others before you have “walked a mile in their shoes,” is a much needed reminder.

Perhaps we all could try to be more cognizant of the fact that there are problems and situations in the lives of others of which we are totally unaware. So, maybe before we get frustrated in similar circumstances, and find we are momentarily inconvenienced or suffering through a pointless tirade, we should think a moment and understand that things may be going on in other’s lives which have caused them to be slower, absentminded or angry.

Patience is a virtue and needs to be practiced by all.

Dear Reader, you might have come across such situations in your life when you lost your patience & reacted. Please share your experiences & give suggestions on controlling oneself.

20 Responses to I Apologize To You!

  1. Rufaida November 8, 2012 at 1:28 PM #

    yes, we normally go across such situation in our daily life.
    but the best solution we can follow is have faith in god and try never hurt any individual physically or through words….
    the one who try never to hurt anyone is the real winner…………

    • Ali - Admin November 8, 2012 at 3:48 PM #

      Rightly said Rufaida.

  2. skybeen October 20, 2012 at 4:45 PM #

    not only “how many” but also “which one comment/comments” relate to you or in short…….”you are suffering”

  3. skybeen October 20, 2012 at 4:42 PM #

    how many comments from the above article,relates you? i want to knw….would you like to inform your readers please?

  4. Wasim September 24, 2012 at 1:12 PM #

    we always seek forgivness of Allah for us…and, we are not ready to forgive others…we should have single standard for us and for others.

    We should learn to pass a smile in these kind of situations instead of reacting rudely. Respecting the humanity is the most liking thing in the sight of Allah as well.

  5. sk ashif September 23, 2012 at 10:00 AM #

    Very true!

  6. tma September 22, 2012 at 11:49 PM #

    thanks a lot sara to remeber us and avoid to give judjement before understanding the situation.

    • Sara - Admin September 23, 2012 at 1:36 PM #

      Welcome tma.

  7. Mohamoud September 22, 2012 at 11:36 PM #

    Apology accepted. (^_^)

  8. Zafar Iqbal September 22, 2012 at 9:38 PM #

    Dear Sara,

    Please don’t make us cry….

  9. Mustafa September 22, 2012 at 4:14 PM #

    It is very true and I am sure it happens to all of us, whether on the road or in the supermarket, a lesson needs to be learned.We always judge from the obvious reason and if we only keep our patience for a minute or less, things will clear themselves. For people who go to mosque, someone will stand next to you have the smell of smoke in his clothes or he steps on your toes. So, instead of reacting, after only few minutes everybody will go his way and may never see the person again, so why the fuss.

    • Sara - Admin September 23, 2012 at 1:36 PM #

      Wow. Great advice Mustafa !!

  10. chemist mahmoud September 22, 2012 at 3:45 PM #

    apology unaccepted

    • annonomous September 23, 2012 at 2:09 AM #

      why??ur a tiet 1!:P

      • chemist mahmoud September 23, 2012 at 2:19 AM #

        Consideration is better then apology……
        the more u consider the less u apologize

        • annonomous September 23, 2012 at 7:46 PM #

          stop chatting bull!!!

          • chemist mahmoud September 23, 2012 at 8:15 PM #

            None of ur buisiness dull

          • annonomous September 23, 2012 at 10:13 PM #

            ok ok chill .

  11. The_Engineer September 22, 2012 at 12:03 PM #

    Very nice and try and touching.
    This is the reality of life. We always looks at things from our point of view. We never try to understand what the other person is going through.
    Thanks Sara for the important lesson and morals.
    Keep them coming and never stopping.

    • Sara - Admin September 23, 2012 at 1:35 PM #

      Yes Engineer. When we put ourselves in others’ shoes we get to know the reality.