
Tag Archives | doctor joke

Smoking is a slow poison – Short Jokes

Dentist (to the patient): For God’s sake, stop making those noises and waving your arms. I haven’t even touched your tooth yet. Patient : Yes, I know. But u’re standing on my foot. ————————————————————- Doctor: Smoking is a slow poison for you. Patient: It’s all-right. I’m not in a hurry. ————————————————————- Tim: Doctor, can you diagnose […]

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Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts – Joke

Doctor & Patient A man goes to the doctor and says, “Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts.” The doctor asks, “What do you mean?” The man says, “When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts. If I touch my knee – OUCH! When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts.” The doctor says, “I […]

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