
Author Archive | Sana - Editor FFJ

Selfless Muslim Man Gives Barefoot Bus Passenger His Shoes Saying  I Live Close  I Can Walk   PICTURE

The Shocked Passenger – True Story from Canada !

The ‘random act of kindness’ took place on the 341 bus route in Toronto, Canada, and was witnessed by an off-duty bus driver, Surjit Singh who took photos of the incident, which were later posted on facebook. Surjit Singh Virk has been driving buses for sixteen years and has seen it all. But what he […]

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Rid Us Of These Tricky Riddles

#1 It takes one word to separate them, otherwise they are inseparable. What are they ? ******* #2 What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away ? ******* #3 Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me, and I will not speak back […]

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