
Life Is Uncertain – An Eye-Opening True Story !

A Visit to Greece that changed my Life forever…

story 16When I was at the university, we were supposed to do a practical training in a real company to get some experience and get to know the real professional world. As a young guy who was looking for unlimited fun, I decided to do my practical training in Greece as I liked the country very much and the things I loved about this country were the shining sun, beautiful girls and blue beaches. I had a lot of fun doing good and bad things without taking anything into account. I behaved as if life lasts forever and I am too young to think about death and life after death. I always thought why lose my energy and youth on things like praying or going after the mercy and forgiveness of God. I can do that later when I´m old maybe when I am 65 years old.

One day, I and some of my friends decided to go and have some fun on the beach. There, we went into the water to play with a ball. I couldn’t swim, but felt ashamed of telling it to others. Somehow, a friend threw the ball towards me, but it fell about two meters away from me. As the water was not higher than my chest, I thought I could walk to pick it up. But suddenly, it seemed like there was a hole beneath my leg, and I went down. For a while I couldn’t feel the bottom. There was water all around me. At that moment, I was certain that this is the end. Believe me! I saw my whole life from being a baby until then within few seconds, as if it was a very short movie. The last thing I could remember was the realization that I was going to die and would never reach the 65th year of my life. I lost my chances to pray, do good things or perform my duties towards my Almighty Creator and then closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes I saw the faces of my friends, who rescued me. They were all shouting: are you alright? I could hear them, but couldn’t give an answer because other ideas were going through my head like “I’m reborn, I’ve been given another chance to live for another five minutes or five years or God knows how much more time I had. Now I can pray, do good things or perform my duties towards my Almighty Creator.” I am grateful to God and I really think that was the best thing that happened to me despite it being scary.

Moral of the Story
Life is too short and unpredictable. It doesn’t go as we plan. So make best use of the time you have in your hands. Do not procrastinate. Repent today as today maybe our last day.

Graves are full of people who thought they would do good deeds when they became old.

Action Item
Now is the time to change – not tomorrow, not after one hour But NOW. Repent for your sins and begin a new & pure life.

– Submitted by Abu Anas

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2 Responses to Life Is Uncertain – An Eye-Opening True Story !

  1. kvkarunakaran May 13, 2015 at 12:48 PM #

    very good

  2. odedoyin May 1, 2015 at 2:19 PM #

    It is good if we try to surprise life with everything we have, we do, we say by holding tenaciously to our God with what he says we should do at any point in life than for life to surprise us if we live day dreaming life that tomorrow is there. Act now as now is the answer.