
The Sinking Titanic

The Sinking Titanic

The Titanic ship was sinking.

Jumbo: How far is the earth  from here?

Dumbo: Just half a kilo meter.

Jumbo jumped into the sea and asked again: “…In which direction?”

Dumbo: Downwards !


The Suicide Attempt

Mr.Dumbo was trying to commit suicide on the railway tracks but takes along some food and water with him.

His friend stops him and asks “Why are you taking these eatables with you, since you have already decided to commit suicide?

Mr.Dumbo replies “Who knows, if the crazy train comes late, I might die of hunger!!”


6 Responses to The Sinking Titanic

  1. sharif123 December 22, 2012 at 12:35 PM #

    The train just departed from the station. Driver halted the train seeing the movement of a man on the track.The man was called & asked what’s matter.
    Reply” Went for suicide”
    Question; “then why stood again from the track?”
    Reply ” Track was very much hot, difficult to wait for the train”.
    The incident happened in Calcutta, India.

  2. Ado March 31, 2012 at 6:36 AM #

    The guy was not prepared to die

  3. Mubarek AL-Amin March 29, 2012 at 6:55 PM #

    funny! [patient: there was once an ant run behind an ambulance
    Doctore: Why is that?
    Patient: cause an ant was trying to donate blood.] `!`

  4. Najeeb March 29, 2012 at 2:55 PM #

    Better to commit suicide than dying of hanger. Good story!

  5. Shamsul March 28, 2012 at 4:44 PM #

    old story

    • Jack March 28, 2012 at 9:46 PM #

      Yes but it is so so funny thanks Sara!