“So what can you conclude from it?”, asked the Lecturer, expecting that the answer is too obvious.
“Yes,” came a voice from the back, “if you have got worms in your stomach, drink alcohol.”
“So what can you conclude from it?”, asked the Lecturer, expecting that the answer is too obvious.
“Yes,” came a voice from the back, “if you have got worms in your stomach, drink alcohol.”
LOL !! good one
Lool, i suspect that the student from the back is from my class 😉
Thanks god we are muslims do not drink 😉
a cute reply my dear friend……..
that’s funny. people these days will find whatever excuse to drink and be ignorant to the harmful aspects of it
alhamdulillah 3ala ni3mat il Islam! <3 Allah (SWT) knows what is best for us, which is why He told us not to drink alcohol or gamble, because despite some of their good, their bads are 10000times worse! losing money and the brain! what a combination!
thanks sara!
Hi,Sara : By the way alcoholic very harmul by the time will destroy the stomach specially cirrhosis.
lol, nice joke …
person will find whatever reason to drink.
really nice
people should try that if the gastric acid doesn’t work 🙂
hahahha..nice one sara..
hhahaahahahaha nice one lolllzzzz